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CIA 1962

[REF: Cuban Counter Revolutionary Handbook 10 October 1962 by the CIA.
FBI HQ  file number  109-584-3387; NARA RIF Number  124-10279-10032]

Identifying documents and other reference materials referring to the Handbook

[NOTE: The copies  were very hard to transcribe because of  poor photo reproduction. At points where the words were unreadable, three dots (...) were inserted to indicate a missing word or words.
Words in brackets are not contained in the original. This Handbook also contained an index of the organizations, group acronyms index and personalities index. In many instances the spelling of the names in the index were different than those in the group listing.  These were not transcribed. The list following the FORWARD are the most significant groups.  FURTHER NOTE: Please consider the date, 10 Oct. 1962, when evaluating this handbook.]



[Written upon original: FBI Number 109-584-3387]
[Rubber stamp stating: CIA HAS NO OBJECTION TO DECLASSIFICATION, etc 10/3/97]

10 OCTOBER 1962



1.    This handbook is designed to provide an abbreviated ready reference to pertinent available information concerning known Cuban Counterrevolutionary organizations. It represents an attempt to bring some degree of order out of the chaos which has resulted from the proliferation of such organizations; to indicate political orientation, organizational effectiveness, and fighting capability of each; and to list some of the personalities involved in each.

2.    This hand book may conceivably be used also as a basis for an estimate, based on evidence accumulated up to 10 October 1962, of the capability of Cubans, both in exile and on the island, to contribute in an organized fashion to the liberation of their country.  As summarized herein, such a capability apparently existed only in words among exiles, and not at all inside Cuba.

3.    For purposes of presentation in this handbook, the (415) counter-revolutionary groups and movements have been divided into three categories:  "Leading," "Secondary," and "Minor" organizations.  Each category is treated separately in Parts I, II, and III respectively in this handbook.  Part I describes the seven largest, most well-known, and most active groups.  In addition to summaries contained in this handbook, detailed studies have been completed on two of these organizations (MRR and MRTN).  Studies on two others (DRE and UR) are in final stages, and the other three leading organizations will be similarly treated.

4.    The remainder of the organizations have been arbitrarily divided into "Secondary" and "Minor" on the basis of judgment of the overall importance of individual organization.  In some cases information on which to make such a judgment is sketchy and confusing; therefore, it is possible that some so called "Minor"organizations may emerge as groups superior to some "Secondary" organizations which now show promise may prove to be only shells.  Part II, therefore, describes those organizations currently judged to be above average in importance. Part III describes those judged to be of little apparent value paper organizations, or small disgruntled factions split from larger movements.  As such, they have been treated in single brief statements.

5.    It is apparent that since the Playa Giron invasion counterrevolutionary organizations, while increasing in number, have decreased in effectiveness until they can no longer be considered more than support mechanisms.  In Cuba, CASTRO'S repressive forces have arrested and executed so many resistance leaders that these organizations have been compelled to constantly rebuild and reorganize.  Penetrations are common place.  It is suspected that some of the listed

(continuation next page)

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       Counter revolutionary organizations are in fact sponsored by Cuban intelligence services f or the purpose of infiltrating "unities" creating provocations, collecting bona fide resistance members into their racks and taking executive action against them.  It is possible that the alleged "uprising" or August 1962, which resulted in the well-high final declination of the resistance ranks, was the result of just such G-2 activities.  Guerrilla and sabotage activities have been further reduced by lack of external support and scarcity of qualified leadership.  I exile, leaders continue to hold meetings, to organize to expound plans of liberation, and to criticize the United States "do nothing policy."  But it is the exceptional refugee leader who has the selflessness to relinquish status of leadership of his organization or himself by integrating into a single strong unified and effective body.  "Unidades" and "Juntas" are continually being created to compete with one another for membership and U. S. financial support.  They print impressive lists of member movements, which in many instances are only "pocket" or paper groups.  Individuals appear to leadership roles in several or more movements simultaneously, indicating either a system of interlocking directorates or pure opportunism.

6.    In order to place in perspective the hundreds of counter-revolutionary groups treated herein, it is necessary to understand the highly publicized CRC  Consejo Revolucionario Cubano – Cuban Revolutionary Council). The CRC is not included in the body of this handbook because it is not actually a counter-revolutionary group, but rather a superstructure which sits atop all the groups willing to follow its direction and guidance in exchange for their portions of U. S. support for which the CRC is the principal channel.

7.    The CRC was originally known as the FRD (Frente Revolucionary Democratica) and was not officially called CRC or Consejo until the fall of 1961.  The Consejo has always been beset with factionalism and internal dissension.   It and its leader Dr. Jose MIRO Cardona have been continually criticized by Cuban exile leaders for a "do nothing" policy.  The CRC does not participate in activities within Cub but acts as a coordinating body for member organizations.  It has delegations in each Latin American country as well as in France and Spain.  Besides the main office located in Miami, it has offices in Washington, New York, and New Orleans.  CRC gives financial support to member groups for salaries, administrative expenses and possible underground activities in Cuba.  Current CRC members ……………. members Antonio de Varona Loredo, Antonio Maceo, Enrique Huertas, Sergio CARBO, Higinio [Nino] DIAZ  and Ricardo Lorie. With the overt backing of the United States Government and MIRO'S personal contact with high government personalities, the CRC has maintained a certain amount of prestige, and has on occasion functioned effectively in this propaganda area.   In 1962, it was largely responsible for the program to recruit exiled Cubans into the U. S. Army.  Consejo officials have made speeches in support of United States policy and have published statements requesting unity of the exile community.  Both MIRO and VARONA have traveled to Central America and Panama in attempts to gain support of those governments for the Cuban cause.

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       Nevertheless, as an effective instrument for promoting Cuban liberation with positive action, the CRC as an organization has little to contribute in the military or resistance fields.

8.    One other exile organization which will doubtless play an important role in any possible free Cuba is the CE (Corporaciones Economicas de Cuba).  The CE is not listed in this handbook because it is not a counterrevolutionary group.  However, because of its connection with the CRC and because of its potential as a lobby throughout the U.S. Government and business community, its influence cannot be overlooked.  The CE is a federation of 30 Cuban business associations that formerly existed and functioned in Cuba (e.g. cigar, manufacturers, distillers, pharmacists, printers, etc.).  Some member associations functioned in Cuba for over 50 years.  The CE itself was in existence for over 25 years prior to reorganizing in exile.  As an organization in exile it does not represent an active military force, but devotes its efforts toward providing information concerning communism and denouncing it to the people of the Americas.  It advocates the reinstatement of the 1940 Constitution.  The CE is aligned with the CRC because its members feel the Consejo is the most sound and representative unity mechanism.  It provides economic advice to the CRC concerning economic measures that should be adopted when Cuba is liberated.  Its president is Dr. Tulio DIAZ Rivera.  Members of the Executive Committee are:  Dr. German ALVAREZ Fuentes, Jr.; Rafael GARCIA Bango; Dr. Francisco ESCOBAR Quesada; Dr. Leslie PAIVTIN de Armas; George F. McDonald Stewart; Dr. Rodolfo BERREGUISTAIN Rivera, and Dr. Antonio GIL Dominguez.

[NOTE:  The organizations in parts I and II have their own page. Part III groups are located in one section. The link to each group will be made as the information is typed.]

Movimiento Revolucionario 30 de Noviembre - 30 Nov, MRTN, M-30-11-- 30 November Revolutionary Movement
Movimiento de Recuperacion Revolucionario - MRR -- Movement for Revolutionary Recovery
Unidad Revolucionaria - U. R., Unidad -- Revolucionary Unity
Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil D.R.E. -- Students Revolutionary Directorate
Rescate Democratico Revolucionario RDR -- Revolutionary Democratic Rescue
Movimiento Revolucionario del Pueblo -- Revolutionary Movememt of the People
Movimiento Democrata Cristiano MDC -- Christian Democrat Movement

Part II describes those organizations currently judged to be above average in importance. [52 groups]
Asociacion de Amigos Aureliano AAA -- Association of Friends of Aureliano
Asociacion de Amigos de Aureliano - Independiente AAA-I -- Association of Friends of Aureliano - Independent
Accion Cubana AC -- Cuban Action
Asociacion Catolica Universitaria ACU – Catholic University Group
Agrupacion de Infanteria de Combat AIC -- Combat Infantry Group
Alianza para la Libertad de Cuba ALC -- Alliance for the Liberty of Cuba
Agrupacion Montecristi (AM) -- Montecristi Group
Buro Internacional de la Legion Anticomunista BILA -- International Bureau Anti-Communist Legion
Batallon de Brigada BB -- Brigade Battalion
Bloque de Organizaciones Anti-Comunista BOAC -- Bloc of Anti-Communist Organizations
Comite Anti-Comunista de Ayuda a la Liberacion Cubana CACALC -- Anti-Communist Committee to Aid Cuban Liberation
Comite Coordinador de Organizaciones Democraticas Cubanas en Puerto Rico CCODC --
                                                                                        Coordinating Committee of Democratic Organizations for Cuban in Puerto Rico

Cruzada Femenina Cubana CFC -- Cuban Women's Crusade
Confederacion Profesionales Universitarios Cubanos en el Exilio - Confederation of Cuban University Professional in Exile
Confederacion de Trabajadores de Cuba en Exilio CTCE – Confederation of Cuban Workers in Exile
Directorio Magisterial Revolucionario DMR -- Revolutionary Teachers Directorate
Ejercito Invasor Cubano EIC -- Cuban Invading Army
Ejercito Libertador de Cuba ELC -- Liberating Army of Cuba
Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional (ELN) -- National Liberation Army
Frente Anticomunista Cristiano FAC -- Christian Anti-communist Front
Fuerzas Armadas de Cuba En El Exilio (FACE) -- Armed Forces of Cuba in Exile
Fuerza Anticomunista de Liberacion (in US) FAL -- Anti-Communist Liberation Force
Fuerzas Armadas y Civiles Anticomunistas FAYCA -- Armed Forces and Civilian Anti-Communists
Federacion Estudiantil Universitaria FEU -- University Students' Federation
Frente de Liberacion Nacional FLN -- National Liberation Front
Frente Nacional Democratica Triple A (FNDTA) -- National Democratic Front (Triple A)
Frente Organizado Anticomunista Cubano FOAC -- Organized Anti-Communist Cuban Front
Frente Obrero Revolucionario  Democratico Cubano FORDC – Labor Revolutionary Democratic Front of Cuba
Frente Revolucionaria Anti-Comunista FRAC -- Anti-Communist Revolutionary Front
Frente Unido de Liberacion Nacional FULN -- United Front of National Liberation
Gobierno Interno de Liberacion Anticomunista GILA -- Internal Government of Anti-Communist Liberation
Ingenieros de Combate Commando 100 -- (Commando 100 Combat Engineers)
Juventud Anticomunista Revolucionaria JAR -- Revolutionary Anti-Communist Youth
Junta Nacional Revolucionaria JNR -- National Revolutionary Unity
Junta Revolucionaria Cubana JURE -- Cuban Revolutionary Unity
Movimiento de Accion Revolucionaria MAR -- Revolutionary Action Movement
Movimiento Democratica Liberacion  MDL -- Democratic Movement for Liberation
Movimiento Democratico Martiano MDM -- Marti Democratic Movement (also Frente Democratico Martiano)
Movimiento Masonico Clandestino MMC -- Masonic Clandestine Movement
Movimiento Revolucionario Accion Cubana MRAC -- Cuban Action Revolutionary Movement
Movimiento Recuperacion Revolucionaria Cubano -- Cuban Revolutionary Recovery Movement
Organizacion Autentico OA – Authentic Organization
Operacion ALFA 66 -- Operation ALPHA 66
Organizacion del Ejercito Secreto Anticomunista OESA -- Organization of the Anti-Communist Secret Army
Pro-Gobierno Constitucional de Cuba en Exilio PGCC  -- Pro-Constitutional Government of Cuba
Partido Revolucionario Cubana (Autentico) PRC -- Cuban Revolutionary Party (Autentico)
Resistencia Agramonte RA -- Agramonte Resistance
Segundo Frente Nacional de Escambray SFNE – Second National Front of the Escambray
Unidad Cubana de Accion Libertadora UCAL  -- Cuban Union of Liberating Action
Unidad de Liberacion Nacional (de Cuba) ULN -- National Liberation Unity
Union Nacional Democratica "Movimiento 20 de Mayo" UND -- Democratic National Union "May 20"
Union Nacional de Instituciones Revolucionarias UNIR – National Union of Revolutionary Institutions

Part III describes those judged to be of little apparent value, paper organizations, or small disgruntled factions.
[These were typed in multiple pages]

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