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Union Nacional de Instituciones Revolucionarias UNIR
National Union of Revolutionary Institutions

[REF: Cuban Counter Revolutionary Handbook 10 October 1962 by the CIA.
FBI HQ  file number  109-584-3387; NARA RIF Number  124-10279-10032]

[NOTE: The copies  were very hard to transcribe because of  poor photo reproduction. At points where the words were unreadable, three dots (...) were inserted to indicate a missing word or words. Words in brackets are not contained in the original.  FURTHER NOTE: Please consider the date, 10 Oct. 1962, when evaluating the organizations.]

[page 59]


Common Title:  U. N. I. R.

Title:  Union Nacional de Instituciones Revolucionarias
            National Union of Revolutionary Institutions

Batista-oriented "unity" organization integrated by professionals, military, labor and "campesinos"; objectives:  to restore 1940 Constitution, establish central government, restore law and order, and elections as soon as possible.  Claims to represent 144 clandestine organizations in Cuba. Three in exile (National Police, ACMA and Comando 100) Controlled from inside.  In contact with UR but no agreement reached for unity.  Claim equal distribution of revolutionaries and ex-members of Batista regime, but only two on directorate not formerly with Batista.

Leading Personalities:  In U. S.:  Esteban Aquiles MORERA Pellon, Natl. Coord. in exile; Idelfonso MORO Perez; Humberto PRIETO Coello; Herminio MANZANO Lopez; Demetrio Omar PEREZ Garcia; Josefina MASTRAPA; Raul ARANGO de la Noval; Alberto ALBERTI; Oscar Juan DUARTE Gil; Francisco MORO Rueda; Angel SANCHEZ Mosquera; Rene VALEZ, Eduardo GARCIA Molinas; Adelina JUBERT Garcia.  In Cuba: Antonio OTERO, Nat. Coord.; Manuel CABRERA; Dr. BERBERI; Capt. FRAGA; Humberto FINALE; Sergio TRUEBAS; Osvaldo Remedios; Jose Maria MOR Gonzales (now U. S.)


Date and Place of Origin:  December 1961, Cuba

Principal Activities to Date:  Founded by Antonio OTERO, Osvaldo REMEDIOS, Manuel Cabrera, FRAGA Bros. and Jose Maris MOR Gonzales.  Propaganda activities, printing and distribution leaflet UNIR; burned numerous sugar cane fields through provinces during 1962 harvest; transport supplies, arms, ammo, and people from one area to another; reported to have part time guerrilla groups in Las Villas Prov.; received arms from contacts in Rebel Army; 150 GARANTS, 15 San Cristobal, 75 pistols and revolvers; have active penetrations in Rebel Army and the Milicia from whom they receive warnings and information; sell bonds.  Partly responsible for promoting publicity regarding  15 June 62 "uprising".


Attempting solicit monetary support from various sources in US. Claim can call general up-rising in three provinces in 60 days, have enough arms and men prepared - provided money can be supplied by exile; sabotage activities continue.  Have communication between exile and Cuba through diplomatic pouch and code system (undefined) through open mails.  In Cuba, communication only by personal contact.   Have capability to infiltrate and ex-filtrate.

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