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Minor Cuban Organizations Oct 1962:
AMVCE: (Cuban Veterinarian Medical Association in Exile) -- CAH: (Havana Bar Association (in Exile)

[REF: Cuban Counter Revolutionary Handbook 10 October 1962 by the CIA.
FBI HQ  file number  109-584-3387; NARA RIF Number  124-10279-10032]

[NOTE: The copies  were very hard to transcribe because of  poor photo reproduction. At points where the words were unreadable, three dots (...) were inserted to indicate a missing word or words. Words in brackets are not contained in the original.  FURTHER NOTE: Please consider the date, 10 Oct. 1962, when evaluating the organizations.]


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AMVCE:  Asociacion de Medicos Veterinarios Cubanos en el Exilio

(Cuban Veterinarian Medical Association in Exile)

Professional association.  Anti-CASTRO.  Promote anti-communism with fellow associations in Latin America.  Leader:  Cristobal M. GONZALEZ Mayo.

ANAC:  Alianza National Anti-Comunista (National Anti-Communist Alliance)

Small internal unit led by Manuel CAPETILLO, plumber in Cerro section of Havana.

AND:  Agrupacion Nacional Democratica (National Democratic Group)

Early small anti-CASTRO group, later affiliated with ARCA, now with UNIR.  Its founder, Esteban Aquiles MORERA Pellon, came to US 3 July 1961 and is now designated UNIR Coordinator in Exile.

ANDP:  Asociacion Nacional Democratica Pedraza  (Pedraza National Democratic Association)

Identified by name only.

ANORTCE:  Asociacion Nacional de Operadores Radio Telegrafistas Cubanos en el Exilio
(National Association of Cuban Radio-Telegraph Operators in Exile)

Essentially, a trade association.  However, claim contacts with clandestine operators in Cuba, and state willingness to work as requested for liberation of Cuba.  Osvaldo COELLO and Teodoro TEJERA Setien, two leaders, were radio operators aboard boats in the April 1961 invasion.  148 members.

ANR:  Accion Naval Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Naval Action)

Identified with old UR.

APA:  Asociacion Panamericana Anticomunista (Anti-Communist Pan-American Association)

Participated in "unity" meetings in Washington, D. C., June/July 1962.  Represented there by Carlos M. SERA.  Picketed White House 23 August 1962 to protest Soviet troops in Cuba.

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APCW:   Asociacion de Profesionales Cubanos de Washington
(Professional Association of Cubans of Washington

Participated in "unity" meetings in Washington, D. C., June/July 1962.  Represented there by Emilio Brouwer.

APM:  Asociacion de Padres y Maestros  (Association of  Fathers and Mothers)
              [NOTE: Maestros means teachers not mothers]

Participated in "unity" meeting June/July 1962.  Represented there by Fernando MENENDEZ.

AR:  Alianza Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Alliance)

Name applied to one of the new unity groups formed inside Cuba after April 1961 invasion.  Only known leader:  Manuel COBO, involved in unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Czech Military Attache in November 1961.

ARA:  Accion Radical Anticomunista  (Anti-Communist Radical Action)

Identified with old UR.

ARAC:  Accion Revolucionaria Anti-Comunista  (Revolutionary Anti-Communist Action.

Affiliated with ULNC.  Only known personality:  Luis IZQUIERDA. [Izquierdo]
Publishers organ called "Accion."

ARC:  Accion Revolucionaria Constitucional  (Constitutional Revolutionary Action)

Exile organization in Venezuela which was sellin [selling] bonds in early 1962 to procure funds to support "Operation Truth," a plan for maritime raids on Cuban coast.  Personalities:  Salvador ROMANI, PIVE AGUILERA.

ARCA: Agrupaciones Revolucionarias Cristianas Anticomunistas  (Christian Revolutionary Anticommunist Groups)

Unity group which was predecessor of UNIR in Cuba.  Esteban Aquiles MORERA Pellon, its founder, is now UNIR Coordinator in Exile.
[Page 67]

ARD:  Accion Revolucionaria Democratica

See Part II, AAAT.
AREC:  Asociacion para Recuperacion Economica de Cuba  (Association for Economic Recovery of Cuba)

Represents property owners, industrialists, large-scale agricultural entrepreneurs, and other monied interests.  Sometimes described as "batistiano," but probably uninterested in politics so long as its members can repossess their properties.  No action, besides planning to lobby with US for eventual return of property.  Formerly well financed, but members not contributing now.  President:  Alfonso FANJUL Estrada.

ARI:  Agrupacion Revolucionaria Independiente (Independent Revolutionary Group)

Member  of UR.

ARSD:    Accion Revolucionaria Social Democrata

See Part II, AAAY.

ARUL:  Asambla Representativa de la Union Libertadora
(Representative Assembly of the Liberating Union)

Early 1962 "union" inside Cuba of 34 resistance organizations.

B-36:  Batallion 36  (Battalion 36)

Commando-type group being organized in Puerto Rico September 1962 for raids on Cuba.

BAA:  Bloque Auxiliar Anticomunista  (Auxiliary Anti-Communistic Bloc)

Indentified by name only.
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BBC:  Buro de Bienestar Catolico  (Catholic Welfare Bureau)

Operate inside Cuba.  Obtain visa waivers, help resistance leaders obtain asylum, obtain resistance safehouses, collect information, etc.  Headed by Ramon GRAU Alsina.

BCRE:  Bloque de Combatientes Revolucionarios en el Exilio
(Bloc of Revolutionary Fighters in Exile)

Pocket exile organization of about ten members.  Claims founding in Cuba in 1959; also claims membership of such martyrs as Plinio PRIETO.  Efren RODRIGUEZ, and Bernardo CORRALES, all members of other groups.  Its Coordinator General (Jesus DIEGUEZ Lamazares), early confident of Fidel CASTRO and suspected of G-2 connections in Miami in 1960.  Other personalities:  Julio MARTINEZ, Jesus SALGUEIRO, Walkiria RODRIGUEZ, Lius  [Luis] TOMAS, Gumersindo GONZALEZ, Ramiro DIEGUEZ, Joaquin RUIZ Maceiras, Dora LLANES, Petra del RIOS.  Claim allegiance to CRC.

BIAC:  Brigada Internacional Anti-Comunista  (International Anti-Communist Brigade)

Claimed participation (with ARSD) in 14 August "bombardment" of Cuba which dropped food, medicines, and "social realism" propaganda.

BLAC:  Brigada de Liberacion Anti-Comunista  (Anti-Communist Liberation Brigade)

Small internal organization identified by name only.

BM:  Batallon Milian  (Milian Battalion)

Small (maybe one-man) internal organization headed by "Milian" (probably war name) and affiliated with C. D.

BOACC:  Bloque Obrero Anti-Comunist Cubano  (Cuban Anti-Communist Labor Bloc)

Aligned with UR.
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BPM:  Bloque Patriotico Militar  (Patriotic Military Bloc)

Identified by name only.

BPUCE:  Bloque Pro-Unidad Cubana en el Exilio (Mexico)
Cuban Pro-Unity Bloc in Exile (Mexico)

Cuban-Mexican anti-CASTRO organization formed in Mexico spring 1962.  Leaders:  Sergio PEREZ y Perez, Orlando DE CARDENAS, Pedro MIRASSOU, Julio LANIER Hevia, Rolando ROJAS.

BUR:  Bloque de Unidad de Remedios (Unity Bloc of Remedios)

Small "unity' group in Remedios.

C:  Cruzadas  (Crusaders)

One of member organizations of FULN which associated itself with PGCC summer 1962.  Leader:  Jose R. MIRET.

CA:  Camisas Azules  (Blue Shirts)

Apparently insignificant (Possibly one-man) exile organization founded by Ricardo SAMATIER in Miami late 1961.

CA:  Clandestinaje Anticomunista (Anti-Communist Clandestine (Net)

Affiliated with ARAC inside Cuba.  Leader:  Antonio ROSELLO.

CA:  La Cruz de Alipio  (The Cross of Alipio)

Affiliated with ARAC inside Cuba.  Leader:  "Vazquez"  (war name).

CAH:  Colegio de Abogados de la Habana  (en el Exilio)
(Havana Bar Association (in Exile)

Actively engaged in propaganda activity at professional legal level.  Summer 62 was planning international "De-Communization World Congress."  Leaders:  Silvio SANABRIA, Jose LOPEZ, Jorge DE CUBAS.

Go to next listed organization [page70]

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