D= Dade Public Works
E= Election Department list to 1994
M= City of Miami
S= State Road Department
24th FEB ...(S) 24th of February
SW 8th Street from Palmetto X-Way to 87th Avenue
[The 24th of Feb. 1996 was when the Cuban Migs shot down two
unarmed Rescate aircraft]
[sign was never replaced after construction work in 2007]

ABREU ...(S 07-259 7/1/2007) Raul L.
Martinez/Jose Abreu Pass
SR 25 US 27 Okeechobee Rd Between W 12th St & W 19th St
ormer Miami-Dade Transit Authority;
Cuban born Florida Department of
Transportation Secretary]

ABREU ...(M Res 88-467) Avenida Marta
13 Court from NW 1 Street to SW 9 Street
[Marta Abreu a great philanthropist and patriot was born and
lived most of her adult life in Santa Clara, Province of Las
Villas, Cuba]

AFRICAN ...(M, Res 06-0349) African Caribbean Cultural
Arts Corridor
7 Avenue from NW36 Street to NW 79 Street

AGRAMONTE ...(S) Maj. Gen.
Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz Roadway
Flagler Street from SW 42 Avenue to 27 Avenue
[(1841-1873) General in the Ten Year War with Spain]
[sign was never replaced after construction work in 2007]

AGUILA ...(M Res 02-631,03
Avenida Lourdes Aguila
12 Avenue from Coral Way to SW 17 Street
[Lourdes Aguila, the woman who dedicated most of her life in
Miami to help cancer victims]

ALEJANDRE ...(D) Armando Alejandre
Jr. Avenue
SW 72 Avenue from Sunset Dr. to Miller Dr.
[Shot down by Cuban Migs Feb 24, 1996]

AMADOR ...(D R-925-02) Juan Amador Rodriguez Avenue
SW 82nd Avenue from SW 8th Street to SW 24th Street
[political commentator for WMIE, WAQI, WBQA, Cadena
Azul and Union Radio]

AMADOR ... Juan Amador Rodriguez Way
NW 51 Avenue from NW 2 Street to NW 7 Street
[political commentator for WMIE, WAQI, WBQA, Cadena Azul and
Union Radio]

AMERICAS ...(M Res 82-276) Boulevard of the Americas
20 Street from NW 8 Avenue to NW 27 Avenue

ANDERSON ...(M Res 91-371) Howard F. Anderson Way
55 Avenue Road from Flagler to SW 57 Avenue
[CIA agent; executed by firing squad by Castro troops 19
April 1961]
ANDERSON ...(D,M Res 96-893) Major
Rudolph Anderson Jr. Avenue
56 Avenue from Flagler to SW 4 Street
[U-2 Pilot shot down over Cuba during the Missile Crisis]

ANORGA ...(M) Rev. Martin
N. Anorga Street
25 Avenue from Flagler Street to NW 2 Street
[Cuban exile Presbyterian Reverend and educator]
...(D,E) Añorada Cuba
W 45 PL from Palm Avenue to W 1st Avenue
[Annual Cuban musical dedicated to promoting the
continuation of Cuban culture in exile]

ARBOLEYA ...(S) Carlos Arboleya
SW 8 Street from 5 Avenue to Brickell Avenue
[Cuban exile banker, community activiStreet

Avenue of the Americas
SW 107 Avenue, Sweetwater

AMERICAS ... [CS/SB 1604] Avenue of the Americas
S.E. 2nd Avenue from the Miami River south to S.E. 2nd
...(E,D) Capitana Adela Azcuy Street
W Flagler Terrace
(M; Res 91-114, 88-467) Calle Capita Adela Azcuy -- Flagler
Street from SW 12 Avenue to SW 17 Avenue
[Cuban leader in the War of Independence 1895 from Pinar del
Rio, Cuba]

BABUN ...(D,E) Teofilo Babun
N. River Dr. from NW 20 Street to NW 36 Street
[Cuban entrepreneur, shipping business, prominent merchant
in Cuba]

BACARDI ...(M) Don Facundo Bacardi Maso Way
21 Street from NE 2 Avenue to Biscayne Boulevard
[Founder of Bacardi Rum Company (Casa Bacardi) in 1862]

...(D) Leo F. Baker Street -- SW 1 Street on 67, 56,
55 Avenue to 55 Avenue Road
(M, Res 96-893) Leo Francis
Baker Street
SW 1st Street, from SW 57 Avenue to SW 55 Avenue
[American navigator of pilot Pete Ray killed at the Bay of
...(D) Francisco J. Baldor Avenue
SW 92 Avenue from SW 40 Street to SW 44 Street
[Started "Operation Pedro Pan" working with this as house
parents for the Catholic Welfare Bureau]

BAY ...Bay of Pigs Historical Marker
Located at BOP Museum on SW 9th Street
BAY ...(M Res 96-893) Bay of
Pigs Memorial Park
Flagler Mini-Park
[This park is not on Flagler Street but a block or so south
of Flagler at the intersection of Anderson and
Anderson. Baker Street, Gray Street, Ray Street, and
Shamburger Street either run into the park or are within a
block of the park]

BAYAMO ...(E) Bayamo Road -- E 10 Avenue
[City in Oriente Cuba where the first action against the
Spanish took place]

BELEN ...(D,E) Belen Jesuit
SW 127 Avenue from SW 6 Street to SW 2 Street
[Transplanted Jesuit School from Cuba where Castro and many
others attended in Cuba.]

BENITEZ ...(M Res 02-633) Agent Eddie
Benitez Avenue
37 Avenue from NW 7 Street to NW 14 Street
[ATF Agent shot and killed while attempting to make an
arrest during an undercover operation July 8, 1983]

BOITEL...(M,D) Pedro Luis
Boitel Avenue
8 Avenue from SW 4 Street to SW 11 Street
[Political Prisoner, Cuban student activist who died on a
hunger strike in early 1960s]
BOLIVAR ...(M,D, Res 88-467) Calle Simon Bolivar
7th Street SW from 12th Avenue to 17 Avenue
[(1783-1830) General and Statesman, born in Caracas]
BORINGUEN ...(S 03-298 5/5/2003) Boringuen
SR 25 N 36th St Biscayne Blvd to NW 7th Ave;
[Honors the Puerto Rican Community Boulevard]
BRIGADE ...(D) Brigade 2506 Way
SW 9 Street from SW 17 Avenue to SW 22 Avenue

BRITO ...(M) Carlos Brito Street
28 Street from NW 17 Avenue to NW 22 Avenue
[In Dec 1993 he was paralyzed when Francisco Del Rey slammed
his car into another]
BROTHERS ...(D) Brothers to
the Rescue Martyrs Boulevard
Coral Way from SW 87 Avenue to SW 97 Avenue
[In memory of four Cuban exiles shot down by Cuban Migs Feb
24, 1996]
BUCELO ... (S) Dr. Armando Bucelo Sr. Way
SW 8 Street from 67 Avenue to SW 70 Avenue
[Spanish Professor, Miami Dade College, chess advocate]

CABABIE ... [CS/SB 1604] Jacobo
Cababie Avenue
West Country Club Drive between N.E. 199th Street and N.E.
192nd Street
[CEO of Cabi Developers, he responsible for the U.S.
subsidiary of GICSA, Mexico’s largest development company]

CABALLERO ...(M Res 03-1001,0)
Avenido El Caballero de Paris ("The Gentleman from
36 Avenue from SW 4 Street to SW 8 Street
[A well known street person in Habana in the 1950's]

CABRERA ...(D R-947-06) Jorge L. Cabrera Way
Coral Way from SW 107 Avenue to SW 109 Avenue
[Because of his death it was discovered that more than 100
Miami-Dade Transit Authority bus shelters were improperly

CAINAS ... Sgt. Pedro A. Cainas Place
W. 44 Place from W. 12 Avenue to W. 20 Avenue
[Killed 1992,
Hialeah Police Department]

CALAS ...(S 04-392 5/13/2004) Cesar Calas
SR 90 US 41 SW 8th St SW 57th Ave to SW 62nd Ave Way
[Born in Havana, Cuba, former city of West Miami engineer
and a professional engineer for the Miami-Dade Public Works
CALLE ...(S) Calle De Ocho
Historic Highway or
8 Street from Brickell Avenue to SW 74 Avenue
CALLE...(M,E, Res 85-1091)
Calle Ocho -- 8 Street from SW 27 Avenue to
Biscayne Bay
[Street Eight -- center for Cuban activities in 1960s]

Sign at the corner of SW 8 Street and Beacom Boulevard
2008, 2010

15 Avenue from Flagler Street to NW 3 Street
[Latin Chamber of Commerce]

CANALEJO ...(M, Res 02-633) Officer
Osvaldo Canalejo Street
8 Street from NE 1 Avenue to NE 2 Avenue
[Miami Police Officer was killed after his cruiser was in
volved in an auto accident October 13, 1992]

CANAS ...(D,E) Sgt. Jose Canas Way
-- SW 76 Street from 127 Avenue to 127 Drive
[Served in Gulf War; helped his Cuban mother who was the
founder and director of Community Action Agency,
CAA, Accion Little Havana; his father is Guatemalan]

CANSECO ...(D,E) Jose Canseco Street
SW 16 Street
[Cuban baseball player (Texas Rangers) who grew up in Miami]

CAPABLANCA ... [County] Jose Raul
Capablanca Street
SW 16 Street from 57 Avenue to 62nd Avenue
[A Cuban chess player who was world chess champion from 1921
to 1927]

Capo Way
25th Avenue from SW 7 Street to SW 8 Street
[Cuban exile, founder of El Dorado Furniture]

... [M] Dr. Moravia Capo Avenue
NW 37 Avenue from NW 4 Street to NW 7 Street
Active in civic
organizations especially human rights. Died 12 September

CASANOVA ...(M Res 03-1194) Fernando
Casanova Way
22 Avenue from NW 31 Street to NW 36 Street

CASANOVA ...(D,E) Gilberto Casanova Jr.
E 2nd Avenue from 56 Street to 57 Street
[Cuban political leader of the organization "Accion Cubana"]
CASAS ...(S) Maestro Luis Casas
Romero Way (1996) -- Flagler Street from SW 16 Avenue
to 14 Avenue
[Veteran of the war of Independence in Cuba, creator of "La
which is the most representative of the authentic, typical
Cuban music; born 1882]
[Note: Originally the
placed a sign on Flagler Street facing WeStreet
Flagler is one way going west]

CASTANO ...(M Res 05-0512) Avenida Josefina
P. Castaño
SW 21 Terrace and 25 Avenue
[Kidney Foundation advocate]

CHAMPAGNAT ...(D) Marcelin Champagnat
East 10 Street from East 4 Avenue to Palm Avenue Hia.
[Founded the Institute of Marist Brothers; in honor of his
memory 1789-1840]
[Marcellin is correct spelling]
CHAMPAGNAT ...(D) Saint Marcellin
Champagnat Way
87th Avenue from Coral Way to Bird Road
[Nucleus for the Society of Mary or the Marist Fathers;
canonized 1999; the Marist run Christopher Columbus High

CHIRINO ... [CS/SB 1604] Willy
Chirino Boulevard
W. Okeechobee Road between W. 4th Avenue and Palm Avenue
[Popular Cuban singer gave concerts to balseros. From
Pinar del Rio]
CHIRINO ...(D) Willy Chirino Way
NW 17 Avenue from W. Flagler Street to NW 7 Street
[Popular Cuban singer gave concerts to balseros. From
Pinar del Rio]

COLMENARES ...(M, Res 02-630) Calle
Jose Colmenares
NW 3 Street at NW 8 Avenue
[Anti Castro activist, head of the Hispanic Political Action

CONTE ...(SB 138) Luis Conte Aguero Way
27 Avenue from Coral Way to SW 8 Street
[Journalist in Cuba, fled to Miami where he had political
radio program]

COSTA ...(D) Carlos Costa Avenue
NW 82 Avenue, from NW 170 Street to NW 186 Street
[Shot down by Cuban Migs Feb 24, 1996]

CRESPO ...(R-950-06 County Request)
Judge Manny Crespo Street
12 Street from NW 12 Avenue to NW 14 Street
[Miami-Dade Circuit Judge elected 1996, died January 8,
CRUZ ...(M,E, Res 90-528) Celia Cruz
8 Street from SW 22 Avenue to SW 24 Avenue
[Cuban singer and Salsa Queen]

CUBA ...(D) Calle Cuba
SW 4 Street within the City of Sweetwater
Cuban Cultural Heritage --W 44 Place. from W 4 Avenue
to W 12 Avenue
CUBAN ...(M Res 73-406) Cuban Memorial Boulevard
13 Avenue from SW 10 Street to SW 22 Street
[This street begins at SW 7 Street, zags across 8 Street to
Coral Way. The median has been designated Cuban Memorial
CUBAN ...(M Res 73-406) Cuban Memorial
Plaza -- 13 Avenue from SW 8 Street to SW 10 Street
[No sign designation for this Plaza. The Plaza begins
at the north entrance at the BOP memorial on SW 8 Street
and runs through SW 12 Street along the median dividing the
two lanes of traffic]

CUESTA ...(D) Tony Cuesta Way
W. Flagler Street at its intersection with 37 Avenue
[Cuban Political prisoner and leader of Comandos L]

...(M; Res 91-114; 88-467) Avenida Ruben Dario
(E) Ruben Dario Avenue -- NW/SW 16 Avenue- or - NW/SW 97 Ave
[Nicaraguan Writer and poet; born Felix Ruben Dario in
Metapa in 1867]

DARIO ...(M; Res 91-114; 88-467)
Avenida Ruben Dario
16 Avenue from NW 1 Street to SW 9 Street
[Nicaraguan Writer and poet; born Felix Ruben Dario in
Metapa in 1867]

DARIO ...(M; Res 91-114;
88-467) Ruben Dario
(D) Ruben Dario -- West 97 Avenue on Flagler
[Nicaraguan Writer and poet; born Felix Ruben Dario in
Metapa in 1867]

CESPEDES ...(M,D,E, Res 88-467) Calle Carlos M. De
4 Street from SW 12 Avenue to SW 17 Avenue
[Cuban patriot, lawyer, politician; first military action
against the Spanish in 1868. "Padre de Patria"]
[In April 2008 there was no sign anywhere on 4th Street
between 12th and 17th]

HOSTOS ...(M,E, Res 82-275) Eugenio Maria de Hostos
NW 2 Avenue from NW 29 Street NW 36 Street
[Puerto Rican patriot and writer]

91-114; Res 88-467)
Calle Juana De Ibarbourou
2 Street from SW 12 Avenue to SW 17 Avenue
[Uruguayan poet born in Melo in 1895][Sign originally spelt

DE LA LUZ ... Paseo Jose De La Luz y
NW 35 Court from NW & Street to NW 9 Street [Cuban
[Cuban educator who first taught the concept of
independence, philosopher]

De la PENA ...(D) Mario M. De La Pena
SW 97 Avenue from Coral Way to Bird Road
[Shot down by Cuban Migs Feb 24, 1996]

DE LA PORTILLA ...(SB 138) Angel Manuel de
la Portilla Way
12 Avenue from Coral Way to SW 8 Street
[Uncle to Commissioner Miguel, State Rep Renier, and State
Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla. Died May 25, 2002]

de la TORRE ...(M,E Res 86-403) Don
Carlos de la Torre y Huerta Avenue
23 Avenue from NW 7 Street to NW 11 Street
[Cuban educator and scientist in colonial Cuba]

DeLEON ... Officer Jose DeLeon Street
SW 11 Street from SW 7 Avenue to SW 12 Avenue
[Miami Police Dept. motorcycle officer, killed December

DE PAULA ...(D,E) General Francisco
de Paula Santander
SW 117 Avenue from Bird Road to Kendall Dr.
[Colombian General and Politician born in Rosario de Cueuta
de SOTO ...(M,D, Res 88-467)
Calle Hernando de Soto
9th Street SW from 12th to 17th Avenue
[In 1537 he was appointed Lt. Governor of Cuba; landed near
Tampa Bay in 1539;
1541 discovered the Mississippi River]

DE VARONA ...(M, Res
03-1193) Manuel A. de Varona Way (Manuel Antonio
de Varona y Loredo)
7 Street from 42 Avenue to 47 Avenue
[Former Prime Minister of Cuba, lawyer and politician who
was chair of the Cuban Revolutionary Council]

DIAZ ... Rafael Diaz Balart Road
SW 42 Avenue, LeJeune Road
[Credited with beginning the first anti-Castro group within

DIAZ BALART ... [CS/SB 1604] Rafael
Diaz-Balart Way
LeJune Road between East 65th Street and Okeechobee Road in
the City of Hialeah
[Credited with beginning the first anti-Castro group within

D'MANT ...Calle Carlos D'Mant
SW 3 Street from Sw 22 Avenue to SW 27 Avenue
[Born Carlos Castor Fernandez Rivero worked for CMQ, Radio
Codazos in Havana,
Cuba & many radio stations in South Florida]

D'MANT ...(D R-1301-02) Carlos D'Mant Avenue
84th Avenue from SW 16th Street to SW 32nd Street
[Born Carlos Castor Fernandez Rivero worked for CMQ, Radio
Codazos in Havana, Cuba & many radio stations in South

DUARTE ...(D,E Res 88-467; 90-936)
Avenida Juan Pablo Duarte
13 Avenue from NW 1 Street to NW 9 Street
17 Avenue from NW 28 Street to NW 34 Street
[(1813-1876) Dominican politician and Apostle of Dominican

ENCINOSA ... [CS/SB 1604] Rolando Encinosa
SR 972/ SW 22nd Street between SW 22nd Avenue and SW 24th
Officer in the Roenca

ESPINOSA ...(M Res R-07-0140)
Reverend Rolando Espinosa Way
32 Avenue from Flagler Street to SW 5 Street
[President of the Cuban Teachers in Exile, Evangelical
, a renowned educator in Cuba and
retired professor in Miami]
ESPIRITO ...(M Res 90-529) Espirito Santo
14 Street from Brickell Avenue to SE Bayshore Drive
[Espirito Santo Group, the parent company of a bank by that
name on Brickell Avenue]
[In April 2008 there was no sign designating this street]
ESTEFAN ...(D,E,M Res 88-332) Colonel
Victor Estefan Boulevard
SW 34 Avenue from Flagler Street to SW 3 Street
[Cuban Miami Policeman killed in the line of duty]

FEBLES ...(E) Alberto Febles Drive
SW 130 Avenue
[Cuban exile priest politically involved with Cuba]

FEIJOO ... [CS/SB 1604] Manuel Feijoo
A portion of S.W. 72nd Avenue between S.W. 21st Street and
North Waterway Drive

FERNANDEZ...(S) Carlos B Fernandez Street
SW 7 Street from 12 Avenue to SW 27 Avenue
[At 17th Avenue the County placed Carlos B Fernandez Way
instead of Street]
[A former Miami Municipal Judge. Father of Kathy Rundle,
State Attorney; a real gentleman]

1604] Katherine Fernandez Rundle Avenue
12th Avenue between 8th Street S.W. and 64th Street N.W.
[State Attorney whose father was Judge Carlos Fernandez]

FERRE ...(D) Francisco Ferre
NW 13 Avenue from Flagler Street to NW 7 Street
[Grandson of Maurice Ferre; died in American Airlines crash
in Colombia 20 Dec 1995]

FERRER ...(M Res R-05-0013) Jose
Ferrer Street
10 Street from Biscayne Blvd to NW 1 Avenue
Puerto Rican Actor and Director]

FINLAY ... Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Way
SW 117 Avenue at SW 8 Street
[First to substantiate that
mosquitos transmitted yellow fever; born in Cuba]

FLORES ... [CS/SB 1604] Martha
Flores Way
SW 8 Street from 42nd Avenue to 47th Avenue
[Marta Flores:
talk-show host on Radio Mambí known for helping the
campaigns of political candidates]

FREEDOM ... Freedom Plaza
In Coral Gables at Galiano and East Ponce de Leon
...(M Res 01-697) Bobby Fuller Way
SW 19 Avenue from 8th Street to 12th Street
[Part of a
invasion force 1960. Died by Cuban firing squad.]
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