Jay Mallin, Sr.
[REF: Ancient Mariners
Press, press release information. Edited here for brevity]
Jay Mallin, Sr. is a journalist/scholar who has been
reporting on and
writing about Cuban affairs for 50 years. He covered
revolution led by Fidel Castro in the late Fifties and later
from Nicaragua, Grenada and Angola, where Castro was
involved in
conflicts. Mallin was also a research scientist at the
of Miami, editing three books there. After that he
became Latin
American correspondent for The Washington Times, followed by
position of News Director in the 1980s as News Director at
Radio Marti,
which broadcast to Cuba from Washington. Mallin has
authored 12
books, most on military topics.
[REF: Caribbean Crisis
1965. Doubleday]
In 1956 he became a full-time stringer for Time and covered
the entire
Cuban revolution (1956-58)...he made 18 trips into the
area...was the first to report Russian troops and Missiles
Cuba...completely bilingual and raised in Cuba (although
born in New
York City of American parents), Mallin studied journalism at
Southern College in Lakeland, Florida, receiving an A.B. in
1949...later taking a position on the English-language
daily, The
Havana Herald. After two years he left the Herald to
articles...as well as become assistant stringer for Time
magazine. He also became correspondent for the
following services
and publications: New York Post, Chicago Tribune, Miami
News, Wall
Street Journal, Variety, Religious News Service, Business
International, and Editor & Publisher.
[REF: Merc - American
Soldiers of Fortune 1979. Macmillan]
Jay Mallin, longtime correspondent for Time magazine, was
also a
research scientist at the Center for Advanced Studies at the
of Miami. He is a recognized authority on terrorism
unconventional warfare, and author of numerous books.
[See comment about Jay
Mallin by Tom
Dunkin ]
Articles on this site by
Jay Mallin, Sr.
Havana Night Life
ca 1956-57 unpublished work
Havana's Sans Souci Night Club
World's Rawest Burlesque Show
Books by Jay Mallin, Sr.
Fortress Cuba
1965. Henry Regnery Co, Chicago. Paperback
Caribbean Crisis
1965. Doubleday. Paperback
Terror in Viet Nam
"Che" Guevara on
Revolution 1969. Univ Miami Press. Hardcover.
"Che" Guevara on
Revolution 1969. Delta, Dell. Soft-cover
Strategy for
Terror and Urban
Spy for Fidel
(ghost-written) by Orlando Castro Hidalgo [a real
person] 1971. E.A. Seemann Pub, Miami. Hardcover
Merc - American
Soldiers of Fortune co-authored with
Robert K. Brown 1979.
Macmillan. Hardcover
Covering Castro:
Rise and Decline of Cuba's Communist Dictator. 1994
New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers; Washington, DC:
U.S.-Cuba Institute Press.
Adventures in
- A Memoir 1998. This is mostly of the author's experiences
in Cuba as
a youth and later as a journalist. He paints Havana, other
Hemingway, war and censorship, Castro and Guevara and
protests, flight
and Miami and counter- insurgency, Radio Marti, return
visits in 1995
and 1996, and reports from other countries. It is listed at
by Ancient Mariners Press of Reston, Va. Ancient
Mariners Press,
1314 Garden Wall Circle, Suite F, Reston, VA 20194-2031.
Tel.: (703)
318-0885. Soft-cover
History of the
Cuban Armed Forces
2000. Published by Ancient Mariners Press of Reston, Va.
Mariners Press, 1314 Garden Wall Circle, Suite F, Reston, VA
20194-2031. Tel.: (703) 318-0885. Soft-cover
Betrayal in April
by Jay Mallin Sr. and Robert H. Smith. 2000. Deals with the
landing at the Bay of Pigs by Cuban exiles in April 1961.
Mallin was in
Cuba as a correspondent for Time when the Bay of Pigs
occurred. Smith is a former captain in the U.S. Navy
Mariners Press 1314 Garden Wall Circle -- Suite F, Reston,
20194-2031. Tel.: (703) 318-0885. Soft-cover
Bob Smith and Jay Mallin were at Books & Books in Coral
Gables on February 19, 2001.
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