Alpha 66

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This history conflicts with the "official" history on the Alpha 66 Web site.  There is hardly a reference to their initial founder Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo who claims to be the "intellectual founder".  Antonio Veciana is also excluded.  Their exclusion is probably the result of their present theory of ridding Cuba of Castro.

The name of the organization is argumentative.  The official history says:
                                                     "ALPHA 66 was organized in Puerto Rico at the end of 1961 with 66 men. Alpha is the
                                                      first letter of the Greek alphabet, but to us it means the beginning of the fight against
                                                      communism in Cuba. Thus the reason for its name. Most of the 66 men were
                                                      professionals; accountants, workers and revolutionaries who had fought against the
                                                      Batista dictatorship."  [see also comments from Dade County Government]
This name history is contradicted a number of times from early records. The FBI records offer a different theory while Antonio Veciana offers two alternate theories: Theory 1; Theory 2.  These alternate theories and the lack of anyone to name any of the founders leads one to believe, possibly, there were not 66 men or backers, after all this was a money collecting operation in the beginning.  Remember the Bay of Pigs Brigade began their numbering at 2500 to confuse the enemy into thinking there were more members than there were.

Alpha 66 Name .. According to Antonio Veciana
Alpha 66 (Alfa 66) Chronology & Background May 1962 to Nov 1964
Alpha 66-II Frente - M.R.P. Newsletter 2 February 1964
Official History of II  Frente - Alpha 66 - M. R. P. June 1965

Operacion ALFA 66 -- Operation ALPHA 66; CIA Counter Revolutionary Handbook 1962
Segundo Frente Nacional de Escambray SFNESecond National Front of the Escambray; CIA Counter Revolutionary Handbook 1962

RAID ON CUBA .. In Photographs

Selected Bibiography .. Alpha 66

Alpha 66 Demonstration .. 1996 Oct - CIB-96-60
Alpha-66 Rally .. 1995 Feb - CIB-271
List of Members ... 1996 -- background

Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo .. Biography
Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo .. Founder of Alpha 66  .. For more on Gutierrez' current activities see Cambio Cubano 
Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo .. 1961 Associates

Antonio Veciana .. Church Committee Testimony 1976
Antonio Veciana .. Interview June 2, 1993

END  Document

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