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Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo
1995 Jun to Oct
DATE: June 21, 1995
DETECTIVE: L. Rodriguez
TELEPHONE: [deleted]The following information has been received by this office:
During the past week Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo, head of the moderate Cuban exile Organization CAMBIO CUBANO, traveled to Havana, Cuba, where he met with representatives of the Cuban government (inclusive of Fidel Castro). According to newspaper reports, Gutierrez-Menoyo's visit to the island signals the beginning of reconcialiatory interaction between Cuban exile organizations and Cuban government officials. Newspaper sources cite Gutierrez-Menoyo's accomplishment as the turning point which will eventually lead to the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.
Local Cuban exile anti-Castro organization leaders have denounced the aforementioned meetings as being just another ploy orchestrated by Cuban government officials for the purpose of discrediting exiled anti-Castro organizations. In addition, Spanish radio stations have continuously branded Gutierrez-Menoyo as a traitor and have incited Cuban exiles to conduct demonstrations against Gutierrez-Menoyo and CAMBIO CUBANO.
On this day a credible source contacted this office and revealed that Gutierrez-Menoyo would be arriving from Cuba on Friday, June 23, 1995. The source further stated that several exiled organizations (inclusive of Unidad Cubana and Alpha 66) would conduct disorderly demonstrations at Miami International Airport during the course of Gutierrez-Menoyo's arrival. Cambio Cubano officials were contacted by members of this office and denied said arrival. It is believed that Gutierrez-Menoyo will be arriving sometime early next week.
Due to the sensitivity of this issue, the Intelligence Section will monitor all information related to this matter and will forward additional details as they become available.
DATE: October 17, 1995
DETECTIVE: L. Rodriguez
TELEPHONE: [deleted]The following information has been received by this office:
Cuban exile dissident Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo, a perceived supporter of Cuban President Fidel Castro, will be arriving at Miami International Airport on this date at 9:10 p.m. Gutierrez-Menoyo returns after a day of meeting with former President Jimmy Carter in Atlanta.
Due to his unpopularity within hard-line Cuban exile group circles Gutierrez-Menoyo's security should be an issue of concern. Information pertaining to his return to Miami, Florida, has been revealed on local radio and newspaper sources.
Gutierrez-Menoyo will utilize Delta Airlines as his carrier. Flight number is listed as 373, arriving at 9:10 p.m.
For additional information pertaining to Gutierrez-Menoyo's philosophical tendencies or community status, please contact the Criminal Intelligence Bureau, Criminal Intelligence Section at the above number.
The Criminal Intelligence Section will disseminate any related information as it becomes available.
DATE: OCTOBER 17, 1995
DETECTIVE: L. Rodriguez
TELEPHONE: [deleted]The following information has been received by this office:
Cuban exile dissident Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo, head of the liberal organization Cambio Cubano, along with a group of Cuban American activists and businessmen met with Fidel Castro in New York on Tuesday, October 24, 1995.
Gutierrez-Menoyo will be returning to South Florida on this day via Carnival Airlines. Gutierrez-Menoyo is expected to be onboard flight 331 which arrives at Miami International Airport at 8:05 p.m.
As a result of Gutierrez-Menoyo's meeting with Fidel Castro and his philosophies, which call for the dissolvement of the U.S. Embargo, representatives of hard-line Cuban exile organizations may conduct impromptu demonstrations at Miami International Airport. The Criminal Intelligence Bureau will assist airport authorities in the monitoring of such activities.
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