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Doing Business with Cuba
TO: Chairperson, MDPD Law Enforcement
Trust Fund CommitteeFROM: Fernando W. Mendez, Commander
Criminal Intelligence BureauDATE: October 28, 1996
SUBJECT: Law Enforcement Trust Funds:
Request for Funding1. Brief Description of Request
That $112,000.00 be made available to the Criminal Intelligence Bureau's Criminal Intelligence Section for implementation of a project focusing on the investigation dealing with a recent number of bombings targeting local area businesses which do business with Cuba. This 12 month project will assist departmental entities in the investigation of politically motivated crimes allegedly committed by reactionary members of Cuban exile organizations. This project will enable the Criminal Intelligence Section to join forces with other departmental entities for the purpose of gathering intelligence, conduct surveillances, assist in criminal investigations, arrest individuals who engage in politically motivated crimes and seek enhanced penalties in accordance with State and federal Statutes.2. Justification:
Members of para-military organizations and unidentified individuals committing serious criminal acts which are politically motivated but by its indiscriminate method place innocent bystanders in great danger continues to be a problem in South Florida. Recently, a large number of crimes have been directed against establishments which conduct freight forwarding transactions between the U.S. and Cuba. In a period of 10 weeks, a total of nine fire bombings or arsons have been committed in Dade County against such establishments or other personal properties belonging to individuals that are perceived as "collaborators" of the government of Cuba. This type of conduct undermines the Department's efforts to reduce crime in Dade County. This type of criminality can erode local community spirit and pride and lead to future violent confrontations between activist organizations that profess opposing political or philosophical views.Many Departmental entities such as this section of the Arson and Crime Scene Units must deal with the active investigation of such groups or individuals or the collection and processing of evidence that will assure the detention and judicial process of persons that become involved in such criminal activities. These investigations require effective resources & speedy response to deal with the methodology of such organizations or individuals.
3. Benefit to Department
This project will provide the necessary resources needed when departmental entities require assistance in investigation crimes committed by the described organizations or individuals.Such organizations or individuals will be subject to a coordinated effort by departmental entities and enhanced criminal prosecution due to the effective utilization of State and Federal statutes.
The Department's commitment to this project will prevent future acts of domestic terrorism or politically motivated violence, therein restoring community pride when politically related criminal acts is reduced and/or eliminated.
4. Cost Analysis
a. Total Requested Amount $112,000.00
b. Additional cost to General
Fund for current Fiscal Year:
c. Additional cost to General
Fund for next Fiscal Year:
d. Itemization of Requested
Expenditures:Overtime/Fringe Benefits
1 Sergeant 19,198.67
4 Officers 64,980.12
1 Fingerprint Tech. 9,285.47Investigative Expenses
(Informant Fees) 6,000.00
Investigative Travel 6,000.00
Miscellaneous Expenses* 6,535.74
*(Pen Registers, Vehicles,
Off Sites)
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