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(House Select Committee on Assassinations)
"Photo Book"
The HSCA Photo Book was made for all the investigators working for the committee. The book, a loose-leaf binder, contained three sections. The first section, marked "Photograph Index" contained a list of names of the photographs with corresponding numbers 1-110. The second section consisted of a more detailed description of the person in the photograph. The third section contained the photographs.
The second section went to photograph number 71 while the first section contained all 108 photographs. (There were no photographs or names for numbers 72 and 73) Some errors were made in spelling in the original "book". All known errors are contained in brackets with the correction.
All 108 photographs are contained herein and linked to the name as it appears in the book.
"Photograph Index"
1. Jim Braden - Reputed member of Organized Crime - In Dealey Plaza at time of assassination.
2. Sylvia [Silvia] Odio - Member of Anti-Castro Organization, "JURE" Claims to have been visited by LHO and two Latin males
either 9/27/63 or 9/28/63.
3. G. Wray Gill - (Deceased) - Attorney for Carlos Marcello, head of Organized Crime in New Orleans.
4. Gerry Patrick Hemming - Founder of "Interpen", Soldier of Fortune. FBI - CIA Informant.
5. Clay Shaw - (Deceased) - Prominent New Orleans Businessman, Homosexual - Alleged associate of LHO & David Ferrie.
6. Loran Hall - Anti-Castro activist, associate of Lawrence Howard & Gerry Hemming.
7. Jack Martin - Investigator for Guy Bannister.
8. Fred Lee Crisman - (Deceased) Suspected Intelligence operator.
9. Harry Dean - Alleged C.A.I. [CIA] Informant.
10. Guy Gabaldin - Right wing extremist in California and Mexico.
11. Thomas Beckham - Self Ordained Bishop, Homosexual, Associate of David Ferrie, Shaw & Bannister.
12. David Ferrie - (Deceased) Investigator for G. Wray Gill, working for Carlos Marcello. Homosexual.
13. Guy Bannister - Former SAC in Chicago, ILL., former Commissioner of Police in New Orleans.
Private Investigator doing work for G . Wray Gill. (Deceased)
14. William Seymour - Adventurer, Soldier of Fortune, Anti-Castro Associate of, Howard, Hall & Hemming.
15. Lawrence Howard - Adventurer, Soldier of Fortune, Anti-Castro, Associate of Seymour, Hall and Hemming.
16. Regis Kennedy - Former Secret Service in New Orleans.
17. Lynn Bennett - Stripper for Ruby at Carousel. [Karen "Little Lynn" Bennett Carlin]
18. Mario Bermudez - [Director, International Relations , New Orleans, Louisiana. Associate of Clay Shaw]
19. Lincoln P. Bloomfield. - [Institute for Defense Analyses]
20. John H. Bowen - AKA - Albert Osborne - On bus with LHO to Mexico City.
21. Edgar Eugene Bradley - Citizen whose name was used by Jim Braden, when arrested. [Bradley was a suspect in the Garrison
investigation. He was a right winger that was an acquaintance of Lawrence Howard and Loran Hall]
22. William C. Brady - [William Cuthbert Brady. Citizens for a Free Cuba Committee. LHO had attended two parties in Brady's apartment]
23. Carlos Brinquieri [Bringuer] - Head of Anti-Castro group in New Orleans, Offices at 544 Camp St.
24. Don Campbell - [Salesman in the advertising department at the Dallas Morning News]
25. Larry Craford - Flunky for Jack Ruby in Carousel. Left Dallas on day of assassination.
26. William Dalzell - Petroleum engineer. Incorporator of Anti-Castro group in New Orleans.
27. Geneva Dees - Wife of Dallas P.D. Photographer Roscoe White.
28. Jeanne DeMohrenschildt - wife of George DeMohrenschildt, befriended the Oswalds.
29. Penny Dollar -
30. Jack Donaldson -
31. William Duft - Servant, aide, confidant to Gen. Walker.
32. Frank Dugan -
33. Joe Garman - aka - Little Joe- Anti-Castro activist in Miami. Associate of Ed Collins and Hemming.
34. Evan Grant - [Eva Grant] sister of Jack Ruby, former night club owner in Dallas.
35. Julio J. Grassi -
36. Joe Hegmann -
37. John Heindel - In Marine Corps with LHO at Atsugi. May be where LHO got name of Hydell.
38. James Hicks - witness in Dealey Plaza at time of Assassination.
39. Karen Hicks - wife of James Hicks. Also in Dealey Plaza.
40. David House -
41. Hank Killam - (Deceased) - Alleged link between LHO & Ruby.
42. Patricia Ann Kohs -
43. Robert Lavender - [associate of Fred Lee Crisman]
44. Jack Lawrence - Car salesman - Right winger - suspicious actions on 11/22/63
45. James Lewellayn - Former Roommate of David Ferrie.
46. Russell McLarry -
47. Sandra Moffet McMains - Allegedly attended party where assassination plans were made.
48. Marlene Mancuso - Ex-wife of Gordon Novel.
49. Layton Martens - Homosexual - Associate of Clay Shaw.
50. Joe Marcello - Brother of Carlos Marcello - Organized Crime in New Orleans.
51. Sam Marcello - same as #50.
52. Georgia Mayor - L [Sec advertising Div, Dallas Morning News]
53. Ferenc Nagy - Hungarian - Alleged to have been "Umbrella Man".
54. Theresa Naughton -
55. John Newman - [Dallas Morning News advertising Div. Friends with Eva Grant and Ruby]
56. Gordon Novel - Alleged by Garrison to have been a plant and given false info. on Cuban Exiles. Also involved in Watergate.
57. Lee Harvey Oswald - Accused Assassin of Pres. Kennedy and Off. J.D. Tippit.
58. Marina Oswald - wife of Lee Harvey Oswald.
59. Bill Rea -
60. Jack Ruby - (Deceased) - Convicted killer of LHO. Owner of Carousel Club in Dallas.
61. Emilio Santana - Anti-Castro in New Orleans.
62. Seeling - [No first name given]
63. Dr. Mary Sherman - Homicide victim in New Orleans.
64. Skinny Ralph Slackter - No Name Key Group.
65. J.D. Tippit - Dallas police officer, killed by LHO.
66. Leo Todd. -
67. Howard When -
68. Roscoe White - Dallas Police Department photographer, husband of Geneva Dees.
69. Steve Wilson - Anti-Castro, Miami. Member of No Name Key.
70. Thomas Vallee - arrested in Chicago. Re: Alleged plot to assassinate Kennedy in Chicago.
71. Jack Youngblood - Secret Service agent assigned to Lyndon Johnson at time of Assassination. [Obviously the photograph
is NOT Rufus Youngblood the SS Agent. Jack was an adventurer. So much for Government accuracy][End "detailed description photographic index"]
[Continuing the numbering from "Photographic Index"]
#72 - [blank with no photo]
#73 - [blank with no photo]
#74 - Unidentified - Possibly Jim Braden ?
#75 - Unidentified Latin Spectator
#76 - Unidentified man in baggy suit
#77 - Unidentified man taken into custody by D.P.D.
#78 - Unidentified man taken into custody by D.P.D.
#79 - Another view of # 78
#80 - Tramp ( Frenchie ) -
#81 - 2nd Tramp -
#82 - Tramp -
#83 - Unidentified -
#84 - Unidentified ...[Trainee at No Name training camp]
#85 - Unidentified -
#86 - Unidentified - Ft. Worth arrest.
#87 - Unidentified -
#88 - Pedro Diaz Lanz - [Former Castro Air Force commander who fled to the U.S. Active anti-Castro militant]
#89 - Eladio del Valle - [Former Cuban congressman; friend of Masferrer; gangster]
#90 - E. Howard Hunt - [CIA employee in charge of anti-Castro matters until relieved]
#91 - Ricardo Morales Nararette [Navarette aka Mono or Monkey Morales]
#92 - Frank Sturgis - [Soldier of Fortune]
#93 - Ernesto Fernandez Travieso -
#94 - Louis Jimenez -
#95 - Tomas Vaquero -
#96 - John Martino - [In Cuba prison for three years; wrote article "Cuba and the Kennedy Assassination"]
#97 - Rolando Martinez -
#98 - Earlene Roberts or Gladys Johnson - [Gladys Johnson was housekeeper at the rooming
house where Oswald rented a room]
#99 - Earlene Roberts or Gladys Johnson - [Earlene Roberts worked for Gladys Johnson]
#100 - Cecil J. McWatters - [Dallas Transit Authority bus driver]
#101 - William Whaley - [cab driver who drove Oswald from the downtown Greyhound station to Oak Cliff]
#102 - Jada aka Janet Conforto -
#103 - Harold Isaacs - [possibly an MIT professor]
#104 - Eddie Bayo - [real name Perez; anti-Castro fighter; see Bayo / Pawley Affair]
#105 - Louis Cantin -
#106 - Rene Lomolru -
#107 - Deny Regal -
#108 - Unidentified man - Bayo / Pauley Raid [Pawley]
#109 - Unidentified man - Bayo / Pauley Raid [Pawley]
#110 - David Ferrie ( see # 12 )
End of Page
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